Lynchburg, VA, United States
A Varney
Alton Bay, Alton, NH, United States
  • Lynchburg, VA, United States
  • This postcard is in the archive
Created by ProSymbolsfrom the Noun Project

Dear brother and sister,

We arrived home safely from everything. All ok. Was dreadfully tried after a day spent sight seeing in Washington. The house in picture with cross on it is our home. You can get an idea how much land around is ours. Hope you are all well and hoping fine time. Remember us to all our friends at the bay and direct ford to write real soon. Thanks bro! I always thought you were real good looking but when you are in a good humor and get real wet.

Selected from the extensive collections of the National Trust Historic Postcards Collection, a collection located at the University of Maryland. We encourage you to find out more about their collections and visit their website at [digital.lib.umd.edu/ntlpostcards](https://digital.lib.umd.edu/ntlpostcards/?utm_source=PostcardTree&utm_medium=referral).

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