Sutton, UK
Polstead, Colchester, UK
  • Image has no specific location
  • This postcard is in the archive
Created by ProSymbolsfrom the Noun Project

Just a card to wish you many happy returns of the day. Will send you a little present later on as I have not been able to get out. Thanks so much for the sweet little book. I was delighted with it. You did not say if those CC books were alright. I hope they were. What a girl you are for going to parties, etc. I suppose you have been having a jolly time as I have. Wish love to all.

Good wishes from Flossie

Do you not think this is a saucy card? Thank Gerald for cards he sent us. I am sure it was him. Think he might have sent [unclear] though.

Selected from the archive of the Edwardian Postcard Project at Lancaster University. We encourage you to find out more about this project by visiting the website at [www.lancaster.ac.uk/fass/projects/EVIIpc](http://www.lancaster.ac.uk/fass/projects/EVIIpc/?utm_source=PostcardTree&utm_medium=referral).

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