CHRISTMAS GREETINGS. Image has no specific location This postcard is in the archive Created by ProSymbolsfrom the Noun Project CHRISTMAS Listen Report Postcard Location: Nome do Remetente: Mary Sender Middle Name: Sobrenome do remetente: Sender Location: Bainbridge, NY, United States Ano: 1925 Primeiro nome do receptor: E C Receiver Middle Name: Apelido do Receptor: Ward Receiver Location: Bainbridge, NY, United States With Best wishes for a merry Christmas and a Happy New Year Mary and Julius New York Public Library Contacto Selected from the extensive collections of New York Public Library. We encourage you to find out more about their collections and visit their website at []( Discussão pública (0) Deve login para enviar um novo comentário. Related by surname tuckdb W WARD IN 1954 0 Like tuckdb FD HARTLEY TO WARD IN 1953 0 Like tuckdb SANDRA TO WARD IN 1910 0 Like