Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
Roy Wales
Napanee, Ontario, Canada
  • 111 Lombard Avenue, Winnipeg, MB, Canada
  • This postcard is in the archive
Created by ProSymbolsfrom the Noun Project

Well Dear Roy, Why don't your Mother write to me? Did you get word aunt Deliatia [?] is bad not expect to live. They sent for me to come. They sent the card to Toronto. I sent it to Wesley. Do write and tell me if your got word. With love from Grandma and your uncle Wilson. I go every week to this houses what is on this card.

Selected from the extensive collections of Winnipeg Public Library. We encourage you to find out more about their collections and visit their website at [wpl.winnipeg.ca/library](https://wpl.winnipeg.ca/library?utm_source=PostcardTree&utm_medium=referral).

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