D Brown
Paquebot, Saint-Nazaire, France
May Hughes
Yumali, South Australia, Australia
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  • This postcard is in the archive
Created by ProSymbolsfrom the Noun Project

Dear May and Elsie,

I suppose you think me a bonza for not writing to you before but its better late than never isn't it? Well old girl, its how goes it. It's alright with me on board here. Although sometimes iIwish i had you to tuck me in my little bed but that will be a treat in store when I get home won't it? How are the two young men from Netherton now? I suppose they call every Sunday night. I would like to hide behind a tree when they get going. Mind and don't let them spoon too much as you know what a young demon I am when roused to jealous anger. My word won't we have a bonza time when i get home. I will have a good time with all the girls up there you bet. There is no news to tell at present but I will write a long letter when I reach our destination. If I get back alright I will fetch back a nice young man for Elsie, a chap by the name of Leonard-my mate and one of the best. If one of you would write to him it would cheer him up bit as he hasn't got many girlfriends to write to him. Well dearest I don't think I have any more news so will close. With love from Pte D. D. Brown.

Selected from the extensive collections of The State Library of South Australia. We encourage you to find out more about their collections and visit their website at [www.slsa.gov.au](http://www.slsa.gov.au/?utm_source=PostcardTree&utm_medium=referral).

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