L Shaud
Shanghai, China
J Garuin
4165 W 217th St, Fairview Park, OH, United States
  • Shanghai, China
  • This postcard is in the marketplace for $ 15
Created by ProSymbolsfrom the Noun Project

Hello from Shanghai. We visited an industrial exhibit (as on card) where 5000 pieces of all sizes and shapes are shown as examples of what’s made in this city of 11 million and 2 million bikes.

Every minute is taken and we are enjoying it. People friendly and pulling – children darling. Saw a performing panda at the circus last night (funny guy!). Have seen a beautiful Botanical Garden and then a carpet factory this morning. After lunch to no.1 department store and an antiques shop. Have been in a kenedugsten, a workers apartment, a ceramics factory, museums – and strolling in crowded streets where crowds gather to look at us!

L.D. Shaud

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