Landenberg, PA, United States
G Reed
Bangor, United Kingdom
  • Image has no specific location
  • This postcard is in the archive

i do hope you got back to school alright yesterday we only just caught the train did we? i don't think you left anything else behind expect the ring, i will bring that on monday. every where seems so quiet without you , there is nothing else to tell you only it is awfully wridy and stonny here tonight; do write to me soon, yours ever lovingly auita

Selected from the extensive collections of the TuckDB, an online catalogue compiled by Allan Braun, James Lewis Lowe and Richard Moulton. We encourage you to find out more about this collection and visit the website at [www.tuckdb.org](https://tuckdb.org/?utm_source=PostcardTree&utm_medium=referral).

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