PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, BRIGDEN, ONT. Brigden, ON, Canada This postcard is in the archive Created by ProSymbolsfrom the Noun Project CHURCH Listen Report Postcard Location: Brigden, ON, Canada 发件人名字: Sender Middle Name: 发件人姓氏: Sender Location: Brigden, ON, Canada 年: 1906 接收者名字: Gertrude Receiver Middle Name: 接收者姓氏: Gerber Receiver Location: Chatham, Chatham-Kent, ON, Canada Jane leaving for Glenroy. 在Google地图中打开 Dave B 联系 Selected from the extensive collections of Dave B, a member of the Sarnia Historical Society. We encourage you to find out more about his collection and visit the website at 公开讨论 (0) 你必须 登录 以发送新的评论 Related by surname daveburwell L SLURG TO G GERBER IN 1910 0 Like daveburwell S LING TO G GERBER IN 1910 0 Like daveburwell S LING TO G GERBER IN 1910 0 Like