PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, BRIGDEN, ONT. Brigden, ON, Canada This postcard is in the archive Created by ProSymbolsfrom the Noun Project CHURCH Listen Report Postcard Location: Brigden, ON, Canada Имя отправителя: Sender Middle Name: Фамилия отправителя: Sender Location: Brigden, ON, Canada Год: 1906 Имя получателя: Gertrude Receiver Middle Name: Получатель: Gerber Receiver Location: Chatham, Chatham-Kent, ON, Canada Jane leaving for Glenroy. Открыть карту Google Dave B Связаться Selected from the extensive collections of Dave B, a member of the Sarnia Historical Society. We encourage you to find out more about his collection and visit the website at Комментарии (0) Вы должны войти для отправки комментария. Related by surname daveburwell L SLURG TO G GERBER IN 1910 0 Like daveburwell S LING TO G GERBER IN 1910 0 Like daveburwell S LING TO G GERBER IN 1910 0 Like