Llandudno, United Kingdom
D Wilkins
104 Bridgewater Rd, Walkden, Manchester, United Kingdom
  • Llandudno, United Kingdom
  • This postcard is in the archive
Created by ProSymbolsfrom the Noun Project

Dear Doris

We are having a lovely time here the weather is fine are you getting much rain. Mab and I have been bathing and swallowed gallons of water.

Love all


please excuse scrible am writing on the sands.

Love pool house.


Selected from the extensive collections of the TuckDB, an online catalogue compiled by Allan Braun, James Lewis Lowe and Richard Moulton. We encourage you to find out more about this collection and visit the website at [www.tuckdb.org](https://tuckdb.org/?utm_source=PostcardTree&utm_medium=referral).

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