HEARTY THANKSGIVING GREETING Image has no specific location This postcard is in the archive Listen Report Postcard Location: Nome do Remetente: Frank Sender Middle Name: Sobrenome do remetente: Dysart Sender Location: Columbus, Ohio, United States Ano: 1910 Primeiro nome do receptor: William [Jane] Receiver Middle Name: Apelido do Receptor: Dysart Receiver Location: Reynoldsburg, Ohio, United States Many happy returns of the day. F. Dysart Dysart Family Contacto Discussão pública (0) Deve login para enviar um novo comentário. Related by surname nypl DYSART TO BENDELL BOWER IN 1909 0 Like dysart CLANCY TO WILLIAM [JANE] DYSART IN 1909 0 Like dysart OLIVE WALTERS TO JANE DYSART IN 1909 0 Like