Hamilton, Ont, Canada
Iva Sheppard
Drummond, Ontario, Canada
  • Image has no specific location
  • This postcard is in the archive
Created by ProSymbolsfrom the Noun Project

Dear Iva,

M received your letter today but I have not seen it yet as she has been sewing at Ed's all day. She is making my dress over there. It is extremely cold here, we had the gas taken out of our range and coal put in. The gas almost give out altogether. Our water pipe froze on Saturday. So we had 'some time'. You had better keep you "Luggins" on or you will miss your ears some day. Yours,


Lottie had a letter from you today, she had about exams and got through triumphantly. Bushels of love, M. A. S.

Selected from the extensive collections of the TuckDB, an online catalogue compiled by Allan Braun, James Lewis Lowe and Richard Moulton. We encourage you to find out more about this collection and visit the website at [www.tuckdb.org](https://tuckdb.org/?utm_source=PostcardTree&utm_medium=referral).

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