WISHING YOU A HAPPY BIRTHDAY Reynoldsburg, OH, United States This postcard is in the archive Listen Report Postcard Location: Reynoldsburg, OH, United States Mittente Nome: Walter Sender Middle Name: Cognome del mittente: Havens Sender Location: Reynoldsburg, OH, United States Anno: 1909 Nome del destinatario: Jane Receiver Middle Name: Cognome del destinatario: Dysart Receiver Location: Reynoldsburg, OH, United States Mrs. Walter V. Havens.Jan 22nd 1909 Apri in Google Maps Dysart Family Contatta Discussione pubblica (0) Devi accedere per inviare un nuovo commento Related by surname nypl DYSART TO BENDELL BOWER IN 1909 0 Like dysart CLANCY TO WILLIAM [JANE] DYSART IN 1909 0 Like dysart OLIVE WALTERS TO JANE DYSART IN 1909 0 Like