Helen M
Winnipeg, MB, Canada
Niagara Falls, ON, Canada
  • Elm Park, Winnipeg, MB, Canada
  • This postcard is in the archive
Created by ProSymbolsfrom the Noun Project

Dear Mrs Lothrop,

Ever so pleased to receive your latter. Sorry to hear J will not be back in the [?] work but you will certainly have more and better help.

How did you find Julia - well? I support she was not pleased to see you just about the happiest child on earth and you too. Give her my love please.

Bel is having a glorious time feeling fine and last we hard from here she was "seeing London" and few other places. She had a lovely ocean trip. Was not seasick but rather dizzy - sounds as if she was a little sea sick?? Lovingly Helen Mc.

Selected from the extensive collections of Winnipeg Public Library. We encourage you to find out more about their collections and visit their website at [wpl.winnipeg.ca/library](https://wpl.winnipeg.ca/library?utm_source=PostcardTree&utm_medium=referral).

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