Brighton, UK
Florrie Nicholls
Groton, Sudbury, UK
  • Royal Pavilion Gardens, North Street, New Road, Brighton and Hove, Brighton, UK
  • This postcard is in the archive
Created by ProSymbolsfrom the Noun Project

Dear Chicken, Many thanks for postcard. Am pleased to hear you are going to Sudbury. I hope it keeps fine for you. We are having a ripping time. I went to see the Prisoner of Bastille yesterday and it was lovely. The same company as you saw. We went for a long walk this morning along the cliffs. It's very rough today that my hair keeps falling off. I am an awful sight. My face is so sunburnt people laugh at me. I am ashamed to go out. Now dear I must hurry up as we are going for a drive to Dyke this afternoon. We went to Brighton this morning - is such a long way. It's harvest time here. It's really lovely. I am scribbling this walking along. Mum keeps saying wait until you get on the beach. I am tired of writing. I have never written so much in all my life, It takes up all my time. Goodbye. Much love. Remember me kindly to your mother. Hoping you are all well. Ethel.

I have just seen your brother. Could not write before because have [illegible]

Selected from the archive of the Edwardian Postcard Project at Lancaster University. We encourage you to find out more about this project by visiting the website at [www.lancaster.ac.uk/fass/projects/EVIIpc](http://www.lancaster.ac.uk/fass/projects/EVIIpc/?utm_source=PostcardTree&utm_medium=referral).

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